Author: admin
How to dry hot peppers
So I went overboard with the peppers this year. I have already pulled in enough jalapenos for…
September 27, 2012
Posted in Growin
White Habaneros and red trinidads repening up!
I thought I would try to make a screaming hot white sauce this year so I got…
August 31, 2012
Posted in Cookin
Coconut pineapple shrimp curry
There’s a little Thai place up the street and they make this great pineapple coconut shrimp curry….
August 26, 2012
Posted in Basics
Fried Zucchini with basic batter
So if you have one of those old ladies in your neighborhood that brings everyone zucchini every…
August 6, 2012
Posted in Tools
Cook like a man cookbook!
So I was doing a little “let see what comes up when I search for my website”…
March 8, 2012
Crock pot spicy sweet pulled pork sliders
The crock pot is probably the the most important and under-appreciated cooking implement for the modern man….
February 11, 2012
Green and red tomato and corn soup
I have a bazillion little green tomatoes that won’t get ripe and some straggler red tomatoes so…
October 24, 2011
Cowboy candy: Candied jalapeno peppers
My garden’s overflowing with jalapenos and serranos this year and I’ve stuffed them every way I can…
September 30, 2011